GADA Director

Professor Carsten Flohr
Professor Carsten Flohr (GADA Director) is Consultant Dermatologist and Chair in Dermatology & Population Health Science at St John’s Institute of Dermatology at King’s College London. He is also a founding Director of the International Eczema Council. His main research interest is in the epidemiology of atopic dermatitis, novel methods of disease prevention (early life risk factors) and therapeutics in severe atopic dermatitis. CF leads the UK-Irish Atopic eczema Systemic TherApy Register (A-STAR), the European Dream-to-Treat-AD and TRANS-FOODS consortia and the European treatment guideline for atopic dermatitis.
GADA Core Team

Dr Suzanne Keddie
Dr Suzanne Keddie, the Research Fellow/ Study Co-Ordinator for the GADA project has a background in statistical epidemiology and working in large international consortia to address global health challenges. She will be supporting all of the GADA projects with specific emphasis on setting up and assisting with the running of the International Consensus exercise.

Dr Piers Allen
Dr Piers Allen, the Research Associate/PostDoc Software Engineer, has a background of computer science and biomedical engineering. Dr Allen leads the development of Digital Ecosystem in tandem with the King’s College London Digital Health team and Swiss4ward. In addition, he has been co-leading the collaborative work with Lebanese research team on the LebRAD project to build a registry platform. Lastly, he is developing AI/machine tools for GADA, such as an AI screening assistant to reduce the workload on the systematic review.

Chih-Ya Chang
Chih-Ya Chang, the Operations Assistant, has a background in pharmaceutical medicine development and nursing. Chih-Ya maintains good communication between stakeholders and keeps GADA information updated. Additionally, her research is focused on Evidence Synthesis, which is the driving force behind the living systematic review on the global burden of AD. In Evidence Synthesis, Chih-Ya facilitates international collaboration with teams in Singapore, Taiwan, and Australia. In the future, she will be supporting the International Consensus exercise as well

Kaitlyn Chan
Kaitlyn Chan, holds a visiting appointment at KCL whilst studying to be a public health researcher at Brown University. She joined GADA in early 2024, working on Evidence Synthesis and providing scientific writing support.
Academic/Patient Partners/Steering Committee members

Professor Christian Vestergaard
Professor Christian Vestergaard is Professor of Dermatology at Aarhus University and Chief Physician at Aarhus University Hospital. His current research is on AD biomarkers as well as examining the burden of disease in AD and understanding the patient journey for AD. He serves on the international editorial Board of the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology and is an Associate Editor of the British Journal of Dermatology. Professor Vestergaard is the Co-Chair of the GADA Steering Committee.

Professor Ching-Chi Chi
Professor Ching-Chi Chi is Professor of Dermatology at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, Taiwan, the General Convenor for Evidence-Based Medicine, the Editor-in-Chief of Dermatologica Sinica, the Joint Coordinating Editor of the Cochrane Skin Group, an Associate Editor of the British Journal of Dermatology, and an Academic Editor for Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Dr. Yik Weng Yew
Dr. Yik Weng Yew is a Senior Consultant Dermatologist and Head of the Atopic Dermatitis Service at the National Skin Centre in Singapore. He is Principal Investigator of atopic dermatitis clinical trials involving upadacitinib, lebrikizumab, and nemolizumab. In addition, he is the Clinical Lead of the skin domain in the Health for Life in Singapore study.

Professor Jennifer Koplin
Professor Jennifer Koplin is the Group Leader of Childhood Allergy and Epidemiology at the University of Queensland Child Health Research Centre and a Principal Research Fellow with the HERA 360-Kids Community Network. She has led several population-based cohort studies, including the EarlyNuts , SchoolNuts, and the MACS cohort studies. Professor Koplin currently leads the Evidence and Translation Hub of the Australian National Allergy Centre of Excellence and the Food Allergy Prevention stream of the Centre of Research Excellence in Food Allergy.

Dr. Dan Leightley
Dr. Dan Leightley is a Lecturer in Digital Health Sciences in the School of Life Course and Population Sciences. His research focuses on developing and evaluating digital therapeutics. He has previously received grants from the Forces in Mind Trust, the National Institute of Health Research, the Medical Research Council, and the Cabinet Office.

Dr. Iain Marshall
Dr. Iain Marshall is a population health scientist and general practitioner looking into stroke and cardiovascular disease prevention. His research looks at artificial intelligence and language processing systems used to support health decision making and systematic review methodology. He co-leads RobertReviewer, which uses machine learning to semi-automate systematic reviews. He is involved in the evidence synthesis, also assisting the machine learning component of GADA.

Professor Christian Apfelbacher
(International Consensus Lead)
Professor Christian Apfelbacher is Professor of Epidemiology and Health Systems at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg in Germany. He is Section Editor for the Area of Health Services Research in the Journal for Evidence, Training, and Quality in Healthcare. His key research interests lie within health services research, outcomes research, and epidemiology, including the epidemiology of AD and hand eczema, measurement of patient-reported outcomes in AD, and systematic reviews of AD interventions and interventions to prevent AD. CA is Co-Lead of the international Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative.

Professor David Prieto-Merino
UK, Spain
David Prieto-Merino is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at KCL as well as an Associate Professor at the University of Alcalá. He has been working in biostatistics for more than 20 years in the areas of clinical trials, observational cohorts, and pharmacovigilance. He has a special interest in the application of Bayesian methods to medical statistics and epidemiology.

Bernd Arents
The Netherlands
Bernd Arents is the expert patient for GADA, an advocate with the Dutch Association for People with Atopic Dermatitis in addition to being active in GlobalSkin. He has contributed to Dutch and European guidelines as a patient and methods expert and was the lead author of the inaugural Global Report on Atopic Dermatitis 2022, in addition to Patient/Associate Editor for the British Journal of Dermatology.

Professor Peter Schmid-Grendelmeier
Professor Peter Schmid-Grendelmeier is the Treasurer of the International Society for Atopic Dermatitis, a Professor of Allergy and Dermatology, and the Head of the Allergy Unit of the Department of Dermatology at the University Hospital of Zurich. His research focuses on AD, mast-cell related diseases, and molecular allergy diagnostics. He also serves as an external consultant of the WHO for non-communicable skin disease in the tropics.

Professor Ncoza Dlova
South Africa
Professor Ncoza Dlova is a Professor and former Dean of the School of Clinical Medicine at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, where she is also the Head of the Dermatology Department. Her research focuses on lichen planopilaris and diversity in skin, emphasizing how common conditions present differently. She also represents Africa as a Regional Coordinator for the Global Psoriasis Atlas.

Professor Fahafahantsoa Rapelanoro Rabenja
Professor Fahafahantsoa Rapelanoro Rabenja is a Consultant Dermatologist and Chair of Dermatology, Venerology, and IT in Health in Madagascar. He is a principal investigator in the PASSION Project for those with skin of color. He is also investigating filaggrin skin barrier gene inheritance in Malathat that is using AI in dermatology gasy people, involving genome sequencing. He leads a collaboration with ISAD and Sub-Saharan dermatologists to focus on management of AD in low-income settings.

Professor Valeria Aoki
Professor Valeria Aoki is Associate Professor of Dermatology and Director of the Immunodermatology Laboratory at the University of Sao Paulo Medical School in Brazil. She is a co-investigator for a project working on the pathogenesis of pemphigus foliaceus. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Eczema Council, where she leads the Educational Committee. She is also the Editor of the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Clinics.

Professor Sandipan Dhar
Professor Sandipan Dhar is Head of Paediatric Dermatology at the Kolkata Institute of Child Health in India. He established the Indian Society for Eczema Studies, which started an epidemiological study of atopic dermatitis in 42 Indian centres. He has also conducted studies on diagnostic criteria for AD in Indian patients, the role of bacterial flora in the pathogenesis and management of AD, and the epidemiology of AD in a large North Indian paediatric population.

Professor Katrina Abuabara
Professor Katrina Abuabara is Professor of Dermatology and Computational Precision Health at the University of California, San Francisco as well as Associate Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Abuabara directs the Program for Clinical Research in the Department of Dermatology and is the principal investigator for the Atopic Dermatitis in Childhood and Risk of Early Cardiovascular Disease and the Social, Environmental, and Epigenetic Drivers of Atopic Dermatitis Disease Course. She designed the TARGET observational study of atopic dermatitis, an Associate Editor of the British Journal of Dermatology, is Chair of the American Academy of Dermatology's Diversity Task Force, and Co-Chair of the International Eczema Council's Research Committee.

Dr C. Elise Kleyn
Dr C. Elise Kleyn is an Honorary Consultant Dermatologist and Clinical Senior Lecturer, The University of Manchester and Visiting Professor, Institute of Medicine, Bolton University. Also, a steering committee member of the British Association of Dermatologists Biologics and Immunomodulators Register as well as Academic Lead for Psychodermatology UK. She has extensive clinical experience in dermatology, especially in the field of psoriasis. Her research interest lies in inflammatory skin disease, brain imaging, health inequities as well as the safety of therapies and has focussed her research work on these areas.

Dr Tamara Griffiths
Tamara Griffiths is a Consultant Dermatologist at the Dermatology Centre, Salford Royal NHS Trust whilst also an Honorary Lecturer at the University of Manchester. She is an American Board-Certified dermatologist and on the UK Specialist Register, a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, and a member of the British Association of Dermatologists. She is one of the project leads for the SkIN DP workstream.
Other collaborators

Vahid Djamei